Sampling and analysis

Stationary source emissions

Stationary source emissions

In this field, MIT Ambiente’s technicians gained years of experience in industrial national plants. For this reason, we are not only able to supply measurement services and an advanced knowledge in the interpretation of collected data, but also to achieve completed projects with the customer. Our services’ list is complete: from fluid dynamics measurements to characterization of source emissions of organic micro pollutants (dioxin and dioxin like compounds); fine-tuning of site-specific measurements to long-term monitoring. Finally, MIT Ambiente supports the customer in selection and maintenance of the necessary quality standard to work with worry-free according to QAL2 and AST protocols, tied to standard regulation EN 14181:2005 unique to quality control of the analysers; in particular, services of fine-tuning, calibration and conformity control to the rules allow for quality improvement and quantity of collected data.

To complete the offer, we share with customers our know how regarding correct usage of management handbooks, quality control of measurement tools and training courses for employees.

Calibration and AMS control (EN 14181)

MIT Ambiente is specialised in the monitoring and analysis of environmental chemicals. In particular, we help customers in the selection and maintenance of the necessary quality standards needed to work in accordance with protocols QAL2 and AST tied to technical regulation EN 14181:2005. This standard regulation is specific to the quality control of the analyser allowing their fine-tuning, calibration, and control and to improve the quality and quantity of data measured.

Characterization of emissions

MIT Ambiente is specialised in studying stationary sources emissions. Thanks to our equipment and our technicians’ skills, we are able to distinguish each phase of the process that cause emissions. This operation, in turn, allows us to design a procedure focused on decreasing and optimizing emissions. A particular enforcement of this project is to validate the measurement plan and automated measuring system (ASM) required by the standard regulation.

Authorization threshold compliance

The services in this sector are related to the evaluation of the compliance threshold indicated in the authorization deeds of the final customer, in particular, the service consists of planning the controls, and in drafting test reports in compliance with the most restrictive requests by public authority.

MIT Ambiente works in compliance with standard technical regulations UNI CEI EN ISO/IEC 17025:2005 and CEN/TS 15675:2007 (Accredited laboratory number 1581), specifically using approved international methods. In particular on the following compounds:

  • Macropolutants: Dust, CO, NOx, SOx, TOC, nMHC, HCl, HF, NH3, H2S, VOC, CH4, PM10, PM2,5 and Aldehyde:
  • Organic Micropolutants: PCDD, PCDF, PCB, PAH;
  • Inorganic Micropolutants: heavy metals, non-metals.

Checking performance of reduction systems

MIT Ambiente, through advanced technical skills and high tech instruments, can support companies in every demand in order to improve the management of plants’ production and processes.

Some of our services, in this area, range from efficiency control in the reduction of main pollutants produced by the production processes; the identification of variables that increase removal efficiency.*In particular, the service optimizes costs of plant management.


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